Alexander MacFaul

Current Collection

In my painting I seek to combine the physicality of what I see and experience, with an emotional response to the subject. My work captures a fleeting but significant moment in time, a remembered experience of somewhere.


I am fascinated by the architecture and life of the city, particularly that of London and New York. Conveying the atmosphere and mood of these cityscapes, is what lies at the core of my work. The different stages of day and night in the city, the ever-changing light and weather conditions, informs my work and provides the narrative for my paintings. Colour, movement and light convey the changing moods of these diverse urban environments.


Underpinning all of my work is a love of drawing and mark-making. I work in layers to create depth and atmosphere, drawing with the paint to build the composition and convey the energy and movement of the subject.





Alexander MacFaul 2015